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Theotokia ⲧϩⲉⲟⲧⲟⲕⲓⲁ ثيؤطوكية

 نحن عبيدك يا والدة الإله
نكتب لك آيات الغلبة, يا قائدة قاهرة, ونقدم الشكر لك

وقد أنقذتنا من الشدائد

لكن بما أن لك العزة التي لا تحارب, اعتقينا من أصناف المخاطر,

لكي نصرخ إليك : افرحي يا عروسة لا عروس لها

صلاة للعذراء مريم
حطيت راسي على فراشي سبع صلبان فوق راسي مد المسيح يمينه تفتحت أناجيله اتزعزعت الجبال طلعوا ثلاث رهبان بطرس وبولس ويوحنا المعمدان طلعت العذراء النقية حامله الكاس والصينيه ياعذراء حني علي وعلى والدي وعلى كل الشعوب المسيحية وغير المسيحية وعلى كل من تعب وشقي علي ياعذراء لاتموتيني حريق ولا غر يق ولاغريب على جنب الطريق الا موته هنية وقربانه طرية وبشفاعتك ياعذراء النقية .


دع هذه البركة تزور البيوت التي تعرفها والتي لا تعرفهافلا تبخل بها على أحد

Hail to you, O Mary : The pride of our race
The very and true queen : The pure symbol of grace

Hail to the throne of God : The second heaven
The mother of our Saviour : The salvation of all men

Hail to the pure Virgin : The help of all mankind
The daughter of David : Who leaves no one behind

Hail to her who appeared : To millions abroad
And converted many : To become children of God

Hail to her who received : The angel Gabriel
And did bear in her womb : The salvation of Israel

Hail to the ever Virgin : Who carried in her hand
Emmanuel before whom : All the angels stand

Hail to her who appeared : On the domes of Zeitoun,
As a shining figure of light, : As bright as the sun at noon

Hail to the undefiled : The perpetual Virgin
Who brought us peace on earth : And good will toward men

Hail to her who heard : Gabriel´s salutation
Proclaiming unto her : The Messiah´s visitation

Hail to the new Eve : Who brought us salvation
Forget not your children : In the hour of temptation

Hail to the mother of God : Blessed by all generations
The handmaid of the LORD : Worthy of all exaltation

Hail to the censer : Carrying the Divine Ember
In the presence of the LORD : Your children remember

Hail to the pure vessel : Bearer of the Great Mystery
And through whom was fulfilled : The promise to the ancestry

Hail to the glorious one : Who is to be called blessed by us,
By all the generations : And all the rest

In the name of the Father : And the Son, And the Holy Spirit,
The Holy and Co-Essential Trinity : Worthy: Worthy: Worthy:
Is Saint Mary the Virgin